QB of the Future?

I work at a summer camp with Ryan Fitzpatrick. Not the Harvard graduate who led the Rams to victory on Sunday, just a guy. He's a nice guy, and I can only assume that this new rookie quarterback is a nice guy too. Wouldn't it be nice if the world worked this way sometimes. I guess everything can't be perfect. That would be like saying that people who were born while the sun rose under a certain constellation were all alike. Crazy.

But the world is interesting and different and, at times, a little crazy and coincidental.

But this isn't about my friend Ryan Fitzpatrick, this is about football. The Ram's rookie looked good. That isn't easy to do in the Ram's offense. It's complicated. Just ask Scott Covington. Mr. Fitzpatrick just came in and did the job. Of course, we were playing the Texans, but somehow we were down 20 points to the Texans. Then Fitz saved the day. I love bandwagons just as much as the next guy, but Marc Bulger is still our quarterback until further notice. A dependable backup can be a commodity, though. Welcome to the Rams, Fitz. I hope you have fun.

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