The world of Sam

This is my world baby! Unbeknownst to most, I have successfully taken over the world and replaced it with something more suitable to my liking. Maybe that's just the insomnia talking.

The days are unfortunately starting to get shorter, darker, and colder. Winter has set down its heavy hand upon us all. Apparently it will be in the mid-seventies in Phoenix tomorrow. Their world is a much stranger one than mine. My world, amazingly, has a lot of upside. Soon I will find out what this world has in store for me and when it is coming.

Don't be afraid little one, the world according to Sam is a world of mirth and magic. My sky is filled with dreams and clouds that can be plucked out of the sky with your outstretched hand. Sometimes you just have to reach a little higher. Be still and know all is well.

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